Organization Name  : Directorate of Rice Research
Job Position  : Technical Assistant  ,  Computer Laboratory
Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100/-PM
Eligibility   : Post Graduate
Job Location  : Hyderabad
Last Date : 10-10-2011
Jobs Details  : –
Directorate of Rice Research inviting application for the post of Technical Assistant , Computer Laboratory
1-Post Name  : Technical Assistant
  • Qualifications  : -  Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture or any other branch of Science relevant to agriculture or  equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
  • Desirable : Experience of assisting research in laboratory and field.
  • No  of  Post  : 04
  • Pay  Scale  : PB-1, Rs.5200-20200 +Rs.2800/-(GP)
  • Age Limit  : 27 years.
2-Post Name  : Computer Laboratory
  • Qualifications  : - Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics/Statistics/Computers or equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
  • Desirable  : 1 – 3 years experience in statistical data analysis(preferably in agriculture) / computer programming, familiarity with statistical packages.
  • Pay Scale  : Rs.5200-20200 + Rs.2000/-(GP)
  • Age Limit : 27 years.
HOW TO APPLY  :- The application should be submitted to the Administrative Officer, Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030 within 30 days from the date of appearance of the Advt. in Employment News paper in the proforma appended strictly type-written accompanied by a latest pass-port size photograph duly attested by Gazetted Officer along with Examination fee (Non-refundable) of Rs.100/-(One Hundred only) for each post is to be sent in the form of Bank Draft drawn in favour of “ICAR-UNIT-RICE” payable at Hyderabad with the name of the candidate, Sl.No. and name of the post written on its backside Candidates belonging to SC/ST & Physically Challenged candidates are not required to pay any fee.
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