Andaman & Nicobar Administration Jobs – 2012 – Specialist Vacancies: Andaman & Nicobar Administration Secretariat issued notification for the recruitment of Non-Teaching Specialists on contract basis. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed format on or before 45 days from the issue of Advt. The details of age, educational qualifications and other details are given below…
Andaman & Nicobar Vacancy details:
No of Posts: 39 Posts
Name of the Posts:

1. Surgical Specialist: 08 Posts
2. Medical Specialist: 07 Posts
3. ENT Specialist: 01 Post
4. Anesthetist: 08 Posts
5. Gynecologist: 07 Posts
6. Pediatrician: 04 Posts
7. Ophthalmologist: 01 Post
8. Radiologist: 01 Post
9. Dermatologist: 01 Post
10. Microbiologist: 01 Post
Age Limit: Candidate Age should be below 45 years, age relaxation for reserved categories is as per govt rules
Educational Qualification: Should be a recognized medical graduate.
Selection Process: Based on Interview.
How to Apply: Candidate should apply through prescribed format along with required documents send to the following address Secretary (health), Andaman & Nicobar Administration secretariat, Port Blair-744101 on or before 45 days from date of publication
Last date for Applying: before 45 days form the date of publication (Dated 03/11/2011)
For more details regarding educational qualification, how to apply, pay scale, experience and other details click the below link

A&N State Sports Council 2012 – Coach Vacancies: A&N Sport’s state council invites application from the recruitment of coaches on contract basis. Eligible candidates may apply through application form on or before 10/01/2012. Particulars about age limit, vacancies, how to apply and other details are given below…
A&N State Sports Council vacancy details:
No of Posts: 10 Posts
Name of the Posts: Coach in various categories

1. Football
2. Athletics
3. Volley ball
4. Badminton
5. Kabaddi
6. Table Tennis
7. Taekwondu
8. Hockey
9. Swimming (Female)
10. Cricket
Age Limit: For Female candidates: 18-38 yrs, For Male Candidates: 18-33 yrs. Age relaxation as per Govt. rules
Educational Qualification: Diploma in Coaching from SAI, NS, NIS Patiala OR any other recognized Indian / Foreign University
How to Apply: Interested candidates may apply through prescribed application format and should enclose all necessary documents and sent to following address office of the General Secretary A & N State Sports Council, Port Blair on or before 10/01/2012.
Last date for Applying: 10/01/2012
For more details about experience educational qualifications, pay scale, contract period and other information see the given below link…

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