CEL | Hiring - Graduate Engineer Last Date 20th Jan 2014 @ Ghaziabad

CEL | Hiring - Graduate Engineer Last Date 20th Jan 2014 @ Ghaziabad

Company    Central Electronics Limited
Website      www.celindia.co.in
Eligibility     BE/B.Tech
Experience   Freshers/Exp
Location      Ghaziabad
Job Role     Graduate Engineer
Company Profile :
Central Electronics Limited is a Public Sector Enterprise under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It was established in 1974 with an objective to commercially exploit the indigenous technologies developed by National Laboratories and R&D Institutions in the country. CEL is one of the rare companies, which utilized the homegrown technologies during all these years of its existence.
Job Description :
Central Electronics Limited, invited applications for the post of  Graduate Engineer
Name of the Post
No of Post
Graduate Engineer
First Class B Tech/ B E in Electronics & Communication
27 yrs
First Class B Tech/ B E in Mechanical Engineering
First Class M Sc in Material Science/Physics/ Chemistry
EducationalQualification : Full time Bachelor’s Degree or Masters degree in relevant discipline with not less than 65% marks. Final year/semester students are also eligible. However, they have to obtain at least 65% marks in their engineering degree. Eligible candidates will have to appear for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2014. Based on the GATE-2014 marks and requirement, candidates will be shortlisted at Ist stage
Note: The CTC shown is indicative only and does not create any privilege whatsoever. It includes Basic pay, DA, HRA, Transport allowance and PF amount etc. Candidates may be considered for absorption only on the basis of exemplary performance & requirement of the Company in particular cadre. They will however have ‘No claim’ for regularization/absorption.
Application Fee : Bank Draft for Rs. 250/- drawn in favour of Central Electronics Limited payable at Ghaziabad/New Delhi is to be enclosed. Candidates are advised to write their name, GATE-2014 Registration Number and post applied on the reverse side of the bank draft. No application fee need to be paid by the candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD.
SelectionMethod : Shortlisted candidates may be informed regarding Date, Time and Venue for Group Discussion/Personal Interview by E-mail, therefore, they are required to furnish their E-mail address in the application form. Candidates, if shortlisted for Group Discussion/Personal Interview are required to bring their original GATE-2014 score card at the time of Interview

How to Apply :
Application must be done Online.GATE is conducted through the constitution of eight zones. Further details and Online application form can be obtained by  assessing any of the institute given below
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Indian Institute of Technology Roorke
Candidates need to appear for GATE-2014 and apply for the post from 1st January 2014 to 20th January 2014 with the GATE-2014 Registration Number. Applications received after 20th January 2014, hand written application, application without signature, incomplete application and applications which are not in prescribed format or without required  enclosures/self attestation will be summarily rejected without assigning any reason and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Application should be sent through post/courier super scribing on the envelope for the post applied to Assistant General Manager(HRD), Central Electronics Limited, Sahibabad, Distt. Ghaziabad (UP)-201010.
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