Sri Krishna Devaraya University is inviting applications from Indian citizens for recruiting following posts:

sri krishnadevaraya university
Sri Krishna Devaraya University

Sri Krishna Devaraya University is inviting applications from Indian citizens for recruiting following posts:
Vacancy Details:
Teaching Faculty-05
Lab Assistants-03
Qualification:  Masters Degree in Pharmacy/D.Pharmacy/B.Pharmacy/ B.Sc Chemistry (MLT) Degree
Application Last Date:  Walk In Date: 09-11-2013
About Sri Krishna Devaraya University:
Sri Krishnadevaraya University had its beginning as the Post Graduate centre of Sri Venkateswara University in the year 1968.It has gained autonomy in the year 1976.Fulfilling the desires of the people of the region, the Autonomous Post Graduate centre was given the status of the University in the Year 1981.Initially, Sri Krishndevaraya University functioned as a unitary residential University.It was conferred the status of an affiliating University in the year 1987.Presently, it is catering to the higher educational needs of the revenue districts of Anantapur and Kurnool.The Post Graduate centre at Kurnool was brought under the jurisdiction of the University in the year 1993.Post-Graduate courses and research programmes are presently offered by the University at the University College, Anantapur, and at the Post Graduate centre, Kurnool.The University College offers 38 post graduate courses through 28 departments.11 post graduate courses are being conducted at the P.G.centre, Kurnool through 8 departments.
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Government jobs in Andhra Pradesh, 2013, Govt jobs in Andhra Pradesh, Government jobs AP, All Govt Jobs India, Sri Krishna Devaraya University Recruitment, Teaching Faculty jobs in Sri Krishna Devaraya University, Teaching Faculty jobs in SKU, Employment news india, Sarkari Jobs India, 2013 Govt jobs India, Government job vacancies, Government jobs india, Online jobs, Degree jobs
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