Organization Name : G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology
Job Position : SRF
Pay Scale : Rs.12,000/-PM
Eligibility  : M Sc
Job Location : Uttaranchal
Last Date : 30-08-2011
Jobs Details :-
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, inviting application for the post of SRF
1-Post Name  : SRF
  • Title of the Project : ““Chemical & molecular determinants of Aconitum balfourii Stapf. and ecoprofiling under micro/macro environment of root growth including transgenic roots for higher aconite content”
  • Qualifications  : - M.Sc./M.Sc. (Ag) in Molecular Biology / Biotechnology / Chemistry / Biochemistry/Botany/Horticulture preferably with NET or any other equivalent eligibility test and Experience in extraction, analysis of chemical constituents using HPLC,GC, HPTLC etc. Agrobacterium mediated plant transformation, plant tissue culture, plant taxonomist with knowledge of medicinal and aromatic plants especially with experience of survey,plant collection identification etc.
  • No  of  Post  : 02
  • Pay Scale  : Rs.12,000/-PM
HOW TO APPLY  : – Candidates may submit their application on plain paper in the prescribed format to the Principal Investigator,Anil Kumar Gaur, Email: latest by 30.08.2011 upto 10:00 AM.The interviews will be held on the same day at 3:00PM in Committee room.Note: Attested copies of all the certificates/ degree/ testimonials must be enclosed. Originals should be produced at the time of interview.
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