Organization Name : Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Job Position : Scientist / Sr. Scientist
Pay Scale : Rs. 15,600-39,100/-
Eligibility : Ph D in Chemistry
Job Location : Kolkata
Last Date : 30-09-2011
Hiring Process: Written test
Jobs Details:-
Advertisement No.: R&C/210/2011
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology is seeking to fill up the following Post:-
Post Name: Scientist / Sr. Scientist
  • No. of Post: 02 Posts
  • Pay Scale: Rs. 15,600-39,100/- + Grade Pay: Rs. 6,600/- or Rs. 7,600.
  • Age Limit: 32 years for Scientist and 37 years for Senior Scientist, relaxable by three years for OBC candidates.
  • Qualification: Ph.D in Chemistry. Research experience in molecular nano-structuring, self-organization process into nanostructures, and hybrid materials synthesis for biological applications.
Application fee: Bank Draft of Rs.100/- drawn in favour of Director, IICB payable at Kolkata.(The application fee is exempted for PH Candidate)
How to Apply:
After you have taken a print out please paste your recent stamp sized photograph in the summary sheet, sign in the designated place, and get it attested by the Head of the Institute last attended or any Gazetted Officer, attach a demand draft of Rs.100/- drawn in favour of Director, IICB and attested copies of supporting documents such as marksheets, certificates, proof of date of birth, caste certificate etc. and mail it to us at the address: The Administrative Officer,Indian Institute of Chemical Biology,4 Raja S.C. Mullick Road,Kolkata – 700032 The last date for submission of online application is 30/09/2011 and that of receiving the hard copies in the Institute is 07/10/2011.
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