Organization Name : Vasantdada Sugar Institute
Job Position : Late Madhubhau Chaudhari Fellowships
Pay Scale : Rs.5000/-
Eligibility : M Sc
Job Location : Pune
Last Date : 09-09-2011
Hiring Process : Written Test.
Jobs Details:-
Applications are invited for the fellowships for Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Sciences.
Post Name: Late Madhubhau Chaudhari Fellowships
Number of Fellowships : 02
Qualifications: Candidates must possess a M.Sc. degree from a reputed university with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade in one of the following subjects: Agricultural Botany, Agricultural Biotechnology, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Life Sciences, and Biotechnology. Candidates with NET / SET qualification or with research experience (as supported by dissertations and/ or research publications) will be preferred.
Fellowship and Tenure: Two fellowships of Rs. 5000/- per month each will be offered initially for a period of one year. Subject to good performance of the candidates, these may be extended for a further period of up to two years. Selected candidates will have to register themselves for Ph.D. degrees in any university under the guidance of VSI scientists where the latter are recognised as guides.
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates may send their applications on plain paper (hard copy only) along with their bio-data, research experience and two references (including their email addresses) to ‘Dr.R.B.Deshmukh, Director, Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari(Bk.), Tal.: Haveli, Dist.: Pune – 412 307′so as to reach by 09th September 2011 .
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