Organization Name : Tata Institute of Fundamental Research –TIFR
Job Position : Registrar
Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000/-PM
Eligibility : Graduate
Job Location : Mumbai
Last Date : 31st August  2011
Hiring Process: Interview
Jobs Details:-
India’s premier scientific research institute is seeking a dynamic and innovative Registrar to lead the administration. An attractive compensation package is offered that includes spacious on-campus accommodation in south Mumbai
Post Name: Registrar
No. of Post: 01 (One)
Qualification: The applicant must have a graduate degree in any discipline with either (i) at least 5 years of experience in (PB-4) Rs.37400-67000 with a Grade Pay  of  Rs.8,700/- (or an equivalent standing in the private sector), or (ii) at least 15 years of experience in Pay Band (PB-3) Rs.15600-39100 with a Grade Pay of Rs.7,600/- in a senior administrative position in a university, autonomous institution of higher education or R & D organization, of which at least        5 years should be as Deputy Registrar or equivalent.
How to Apply:
The candidate’s application should contain a full curriculum vitae stating clearly the candidate’s date of birth, educational qualifications, positions held and duties performed, and current affiliation, along with the contact details of three possible referees. It should be superscribed `Post of Registrar’ and sent to the Director’s office, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai – 400 005, so as to reach the Institute preferably before31st August, 2011.
For More Information:-  Click Here
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