Organization Name : University of Hyderabad
Job Position : Specialist Yoga Instructor, Yoga Instructor
Pay Scale : Rs. 10000-15000/-
Eligibility : Post Graduate, Diploma
Job Location : Hyderabad
Last Date : 09-09-2011
Hiring Process : Written test
University About Us:-
The University of Hyderabad (UoH), one of the major institutions of higher education in India is largely devoted to postgraduate studies and is widely known for its excellence in research and for its distinguished faculty. Founded in 1974 with Prof. Gurbaksh Singh as its first Vice Chancellor, UoH – also known as Hyderabad Central University or HCU- has emerged as a leading centre of teaching and research. The large campus located near Gachibowli, which is the IT hub of Hyderabad, has immense bio-diversity and is home to over 75 varieties of bird, not to speak of the lakes and rock formations which give the campus a natural beauty.
Jobs Details:-
University of Hyderabad, inviting application  for the post:-
1. Post Name: Secialist Yoga Instructor
  • Qualification: Post Graduate (full time) in Yoga/Yogic Science/Yoga Therapy/Yoga Studies, etc. from Universities, Post graduate diploma (full time one year course) in Yoga/Yogic Science/Yoga Therapy/Yoga studies, etc from Universities. Post graduate diploma (full time one year course) in Yoga/Yogic Science/Yoga Therapy/Yoga studies, etc., from well eminent institutions other than Universities
  • Pay Scale: Rs. 15,000
2. Post Name: Yoga Instructor
  • Qualification: Post Graduate (full time) in Yoga/Yogic Science/Yoga Therapy/Yoga Studies, etc. from Universities, Post graduate diploma (full time one year course) in Yoga/Yogic Science/Yoga Therapy/Yoga studies, etc from Universities. Post graduate diploma (full time one year course) in Yoga/Yogic Science/Yoga Therapy/Yoga studies, etc., from well eminent institutions other than Universities
  • Pay Scale: Rs.10,000
How to Apply:
Applications typed on plain paper should be forwarded to Asst Director of Physical Education, Centre for Physical Fitness and Sports Sciences (New Sports Complex), University of Hyderabad, Prof. C.R . Rao, Road, P.O. Central University, Gachibowli, Hyderabad- 500 046 with all the credentials of Xerox copies on or before 09.09.2011.
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