IIT Bombay | Research Assistant/Associate Last Date: 6th Nov 2013 @ Mumbai

IIT Bombay | Research Assistant/Associate Last Date: 6th Nov 2013 @ Mumbai

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Company     Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay)
Website         www.ircc.iitb.ac.in
Eligibility      BE/B.Tech/M.Tech
Experience   Freshers/Exp
Location       Mumbai
Job Role       Research Assistant/Associate
Comapny profile :
Research and development activities from the lifeline of a vibrant academic institution. Dean R&D and IRCC play a vital role in IITB’s intellectual output by providing end-to-end support, from conceptualization to commercialization, of research ideas, specifically by
Job Description :
 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay), invited applications for the post of  Research Assistant/Associate

Job Posts: 

1. Positions of Project Associate (PA),
2. Senior Project Research Scientist (SPRS),
3. Research Assistant (RA1),
4. Research Associate (RA
) are available in the following projects.

Job Details: 

1. To setup and perform experiments related to research in ultrafast spectroscopy, plasmonics and nano-optics.
2. The positions are temporary initially for a period of one year and tenable only for the duration of project.
3. The selection committee may offer lower or higher designation and lower or higher salary depending upon the experience and
4. Performance of the candidate in the interview.

LastDate: 6-11-2013.
How to Apply:

1. Candidate should apply online at http://www.ircc.iitb.ac.in/
2. IRCC-Webpage/rnd/HRMSLoginPage.jsp , if there is any problem applying online,
3. Send in the prescribed Application Form available at http://www.ircc.iitb.ac.in/
4. IRCC-Webpage/rnd/PDF/Application_online.pdf Candidates can apply for multiple positions
5.With separate Application Form for each position.

Tags :
Fresher jobs in Mumbai, Fresher jobs in Gurgaon, Fresher jobs in Maharashtra , IT Jobs in pune IIT IIT Bombay jobs, Associate jobs in Mumbai, 2013 fresher jobs Mumbai, Degree jobs, Experience jobs in Mumbai, IT jobs in Mumbai, Assistant jobs, Fresher IT jobs in Mumbai, 2013 Experience jobs Mumbai,, B.Tech jobs, Degree jobs, M.Tech jobs, MCA jobs, MBA jobs, Diploma jobs, 

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