Recruitment Summary: The company is looking for high performing, dynamic and highly skilled technical/ non-technical hands in non-executive cadre in the following areas., apply before 22/12/2013.
MIDHANI Recruitment For The Posts Of Senior Operative Trainee & Junior Operative Trainee
Recruitment Summary: The company is looking for high performing, dynamic and highly skilled technical/ non-technical hands in non-executive cadre in the following areas., apply before 22/12/2013.
Job Location: Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
Job Details :
- Post Name : Senior Operative Trainee
- No. of Vacancy : 13 Posts.
- Pay Scale : Rs.8500-3%-20850/- .
Eligibility Criteria :
- Educational Qualification : Diploma in (Mechanical,Metallurgy,Electrical,Instrumentation) Engg.With 60% marks.
- Nationality : Indian
- Age Limit : Fresh candidates: 35Years; Experienced candidates: 40 Years.
Selection Process : Candidates short-listed based on the initial screening of applications will be called for written Test.
Application Fee: Rs.100/- Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen category are not required to pay the application fee. Mode of Payment: in the form of DD/Postal Order drawn in favour of MISHRA DHATU NIGAM LIMITED, payable at Hyderabad from any nationalized Bank/Post Office.
How to Apply: Application should be submitted strictly ‘Online’ . The website will be kept open between 1000 Hrs on 30.11.13 till 1700 Hrs on 22.12.13 .After successful submission of online application, the candidate can take print out of the submitted application and affix a self attested latest passport size colour photograph in the space provided at top right side corner of the application form. Thereafter duly signed application after ensuring the correctness of filled in particulars has to be sent to Additional General Manager (HR) ,Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited ,P.O. Kanchanbagh Hyderabad-500 058 A.P.along with the DD/IPO by post /courier so as to reach on or before 31.12.13 by 5pm.
Important Dates to Remember:
- Last Date to Apply : 22/12/2013
Important Links:
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