Ministry of Defence is inviting applications from Indian citizens for recruiting following posts:

Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Defence is inviting applications from Indian citizens for recruiting following posts:
Vacancy Details:
Age:  Should Be 18-25 Years
Qualification:  Matriculation
Application Last Date:  31-12-2013
About Ministry of Defence:
A Military Department was created in the Supreme Government of the East India Company at Kolkata into the year 1776, having the main function to sift and record orders relating to the Army issued by various Departments of the Govt of East India Co.The Military Department initially functioned as a branch of the Public Department and maintained a list of Army personnel.With the Charter Act of 1833 the Secretariat of the Government of East India Company was reorganised into four Departments, including a Military Department, each headed by a Secretary to the Government.The Army in the Presidencies of Bengal, Bombay and Madras functioned as respective Presidency Army till April 1895, when the Presidency Armies were unified into a single Indian Army.For administrative convenience, it was divided into four Commands viz.Punjab (including the North West Frontier), Bengal, Madras (including Burma) and Bombay (including Sind, Quetta and Aden).
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Government jobs in India, 2013, Govt jobs in India, All Govt Jobs India, Ministry of Defence Recruitment, Mazdoor jobs in Ministry of Defence, Mazdoor jobs in MOD, Employment news india, Sarkari Jobs India, 2013 Govt jobs India, Government job vacancies, Government jobs india, Online jobs, Degree jobs
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